Here are some long form affirmations for motivation to get you into the energy of accomplishing your goals. There will be times on the journey to your dreams that you just don’t feel like doing the thing. Maybe you’re tired or feeling lazy. That’s ok! The trick is to get yourself to do the thing anyway.
Affirmations can shift your perspective and remind you of your end goal. Maybe you’re overthinking and stuck in analysis paralysis. Perhaps you are overwhelmed and would rather take a nap then step out of your comfort zone. Transformation is not easy. If it was, no one would ever be stuck in their ways or give up on anything. Changing self takes dedication and persistence. You can do it!!
Today, I embrace my freedom. I am free to manifest my dreams. However I want to live this life, is my choice. When I think about how I want to live, I feel energized. I can live that way RIGHT NOW in my imagination, which is where all manifestation originates. Because I have created my desires in my imagination, I can be assured that they are a done deal. Now I will connect the dots and enjoy watching how everything comes together. IT IS DONE!!
I will trust my intuition more so every day. My feelings tell me what my vibration is and teach me how to allow growth. Becoming who I need to be to achieve my goals is not comfortable, and change is not pretty. I accept where I’m at today. How I’m feeling is ok. I don’t identify with the reaction that is not who I truly am. I see my reactions as programming from society/family, and false beliefs. I release that identification and gently guide myself to the truth. I become more free every day!
I intend to live my life exactly how I desire. I don’t have to settle. The only reason to settle is if I don’t believe I can achieve my goals. I can, and I will. The journey to the fulfillment of my dreams gets to be fun, exciting, exhilarating, challenging, and so worth it! I will surprise myself with my determination. Sometimes it wavers, sometimes it stalls, but it never stops. No matter how hard it gets or how strongly failure seems to be at the door, I will prevail!
Today gets to be magical. Everything that happens, everyone I meet, everything I do contributes to my goals. Maybe I can’t see how its all connected, but I know that it is. What I learn today and the people I encounter, will propel me toward the next step of my journey. I will be open and curious. I want to be ready for direction from infinite intelligence. When I feel that pull to do something, and I know in my heart that it is inspired, I will not hesitate. I will move forward in faith.
The more I believe that my success is inevitable, the more I want to get to living the way I want. What am I waiting for? I get to experience life how I desire NOW. I get to quantum leap according to my assumption of success, and see massive movement in my life. I will strive for getting uncomfortable and changing my habits. I will jump into relationships that will fast-lane me to the lifestyle I desire. Why wait? Lets do this! Lets go all in. The more I invest in my dreams, the quicker the transformation occurs.
I will “make flow a priority” (Joseph Rodrigues) today. I intend to love what I do, feel fulfilled in what I do, and have the time of my life. I will see the value in every activity. I will focus on the moment, improvements I can make, what I can learn, and how I can relate it to my goals. When I review my day, I will see how everything is connected, and this realization will invigorate me for the next day. As I watch my progress, my excitement grows. Loving the journey!
I love waking up in the morning. I feel more and more excited every day. Its like I’m a kid again! I can’t wait to see what kind of experiences I will have today. I get out of my comfort zone as often as I can, and its wonderful. I become addicted to growth and synchronicities. How could I ever go back to living a “safe” and mediocre life? When I live with a light heart and allow the overthinking to fall away, I am free. This is how life is supposed to be. What a gift!
I will do the best that I can today. Maybe my best is not what I was able to do yesterday, and that’s ok. I allow myself to be exactly where I’m at. I will do something, even if its just one thing, that will move me toward my goal, and that is enough. As long as I am moving forward, I am successful. As long as I never give up, I am accomplished. I love my perseverance, even when I’m not feeling it and its hard. I learn about my beliefs during these times, and I love myself through it all.
I feel so good when I accomplish a goal! Trust in myself and my determination grows. The struggle is always worth it, and I’m not the same person afterwards. My strength and endurance increase as does my passion and excitement. As I complete each task, I become swept up in the energy of the momentum I have created. No matter how hard it is, its always worth it. I’ve learned how to motivate myself and do it even when I’m not feeling it. My consistency pays off in massive growth.
When I visualize and feel my desired future, I am energized. I know what I want, and I will never give up until I achieve my goals. I will keep envisioning the end, and enjoy every experience/lesson along the way. I am clear on my intentions. I know where this ship is going. I will rely on my inner guidance and direction from spirit to know which current to flow in and who to work with. But either way, even if I take a course less traveled, I will get to my destination. “Acceptance of the end wills the means” (Neville Goddard).
You may slow down, just never stop
I had a sponsor who told me that no matter how much I slow down on doing the things and following the routine to help keep me sober, I just needed to be sure that I never stopped completely. She told me to at least do one thing per day that contributed to my goal.
This proved to be invaluable advise, and I hope you take it as well. Even if you just do one thing today to contribute toward your goal, that will be a success.
I’m wishing you all the best on your journey. May you have the time of your life!!